But the GOOD NEWS is that once you learn the simple rules and begin putting them into practice, it gets easier and easier… because it becomes your new norm. In time, you don’t think about your old way of living or eating anymore. You don’t miss those old foods that kept you weak and made you a slave to pain and disease. You appreciate what you are able to do…
Easy, Healthy, Go To Lunch!
Today I ate one of my favorite go to meals: I love this meal because of the crunchy veggies, the delicious roasted red pepper hummus, and those sweet, juicy red grapes for dessert. Since embracing a whole food plant-based diet, hummus has become a huge part of my life. I eat it on the regular! It’s a great food for me because it is made from chickpeas which is a…
I Don’t Know What Foods I Can Eat!?!
Doesn’t it seem like conflicting advice about what to eat is coming at us from every direction these days! “Don’t eat beans, those lectins are toxic!” “High fat, low carb for heart health!” Keto, Paleo, gluten free… who can keep up with it all! In light of all of the diet advice going around these days, I’d like to offer up a few questions we can ask ourselves to help…